Our arms as a system are the main way we interact with the world around us, so it’s important to keep them strong. Many women tend to focus on the abdominal and glute area, neglecting upper body strength in favour of an Abs, Bums and Tums style workout.
Today, let’s pay special attention to the biceps and triceps and how to strengthen them. For a full upper body workout, combine these exercises with the 花猫破解 and the Back ones.
Triceps Pumps
Start kneeling with your body pitched forward, but in neutral. Your arms are glued to your side, in line with your spine. Lift them up and pulse them up and down for 30-60 seconds without stopping, keeping your stomach drawn in and your shoulders down.
Triceps Push Up
Start in a plank on your knees. Make sure your shoulders are down and you are in one line from your knees to your head. Bend your elbows in towards you and lower your body slowly down as far as you can. Your chest can touch the floor, but keep the body in a neutral position. Quickly push yourself back up into the plank position. Once this is easy and you can complete 20 repetitions without issue, you can stretch out into a full plank position and complete the triceps push-up with knees straight.
Draping your band around your feet, curl halfway back in a round spine. Bend your elbows up towards your shoulders, then straighten them back out. Try not to drop your elbows – the higher, the more challenging. You can modify the exercise by grabbing the band closer to your feet (harder) or further away (easier). Keep your transverse abs engaged and the spine slightly rounded throughout. Complete 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions.
What’s your favourite upper arm workout? Do you have a go-to exercise to quickly strengthen your biceps and triceps?
Most of the information in this post comes from my years as a Pilates instructor. However, if you’re interested in reading more, here are some great resources:
As always, participation in these workouts is at your own risk. A Chat with Kat is not responsible for bodily injuries incurred. If in doubt, please speak to your healthcare provider and/ or contact an exercise professional before proceeding.
I glanced at the computer screen and nearly jumped out of my chair. Could it be true?
“Royalties Earned,” stood in bold black writing on the Amazon KDP website. Below, a table with all the book sales in different countries. For the past two weeks, this table had been a pitiful sea of 0’s. But not today. £1.29, read the total.
I jumped up, heart racing, barely able to contain my glee.
“I earned royalties! I made my first £1, I can do this!”
Also check out last week’s post on 花猫直播app破解版下载-花猫视频app无限制观看版下载v1.6 ...:2021-5-21 · 花猫视频是一款能为用户提供超多视频资源的手机在线视频软件,软件能为用户提供超多最新最热门的视频资源,用户可伡随时进行观看了。同时在观看过程中无任何弹窗广告,还能为用户推荐类型视频,满足用户的观看需求。有需要的朋友欢迎下载!.
It’s easy to get started: You just create a cover and an interior and upload them to Amazon. No need to deal with printing, shipping or even advertising.
Ultra low risk business: Taking the course to learn about notebook publishing is the only business cost you have. You don’t have to pay Amazon anything unless your book sells. Once the customer has paid, the cost of printing will be taken out of your royalties.
Passive income: Once you have uploaded your blank books, they can sell for many years. There are some popular notebooks from 2013-2014 which are still selling every week or even every day. It can be a wonderful passive income stream.
Although it’s a great option, KDP is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes a fair amount of work to get started. You need to keep learning and improving your keywords and the quality of your books. It may take 6 months until you have published enough books to provide a sizable, regular income stream. However, once you do, this could last for a long time with very little extra work.
The easiest way to succeed with KDP is to learn from someone with lots of experience who has put together a comprehensive and easy-to-use guide.
Flavio from Side Business Launch fits all of these criteria. I am usually sceptical of the ebooks sold on Money Twitter, but I decided to give his Teachable course a go because he seemed like a sincere and knowledgeable teacher. What a great purchase it was! Through his video lessons, I learned everything I needed to know to get me started on KDP. Less than a month later, I had already made more than double of what I had spent on the course through a combination of blank notebook sales and affiliate sales.
I am not a particularly good saleswoman, so this surprised me. If I can do it, you most certainly can as well – especially as the course is now 15% off. This offer is exclusively for my readers, and you can access it with the discount code katspin.
When you join me in this venture, I want to be the same helpful resource as Flavio is. Not only do you get the course at a 15% discount when you buy through me, but I am also running an additional special offer. I will buy and rate your first blank book, providing you with a guaranteed first sale and rating! Just contact me once you’ve bought the course and let me know about your first journal.
3. Actually Do The Course
You’ve decided to give it a go and purchased the course. Congratulations! Make sure to start going through it right away and spend an hour a day on it until it is completed. Don’t postpone this, as it will make you less likely to complete the course and see success. Take action now!
How to upload to other platforms such as Barnes and Noble.
With just one book out, you can’t expect a lot of sales. It’s time to hunker down and upload, upload, upload. I initially uploaded 13 books and got my first sale from one of them. This motivated me to keep going, and I set myself a goal of publishing 100 notebooks in two weeks. It was hard and it was a lot of work – but the trickle of sales I am getting now more than makes up for it!
5. Keep Uploading When You Can
After that initial push, it is okay to slow down slightly. It’s not realistic to publish 100 books every two weeks, especially if this is a side hustle for you. However, to turn that trickle of sales into a stream, you will need to keep adding books for a while.
Have you ever tried a print on demand type of business? Did it work well? Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
Did you enjoy this article? Check out my brand new 花猫破解page, where you’ll find all the articles related to self employment, blogging, social media and side businesses.
My slender young client beamed at me. “Look, I can do this now!”
She pulled on the bright purple elastic band, sending her elbow out to the side. Her shoulders remained stable and strong as she powered through her reps.
“I could never have done this three months ago, after my operation,” she said. “It’s so much stronger.”
I smiled and nodded. During teacher training, I had learned a lot about the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder and how to deal with injuries, but this was the first client I’d helped to recover from such an operation. I beamed as I watched her move her arms freely, once again able to complete all of her everyday tasks.
The Rotator Cuff Muscles
There are four muscles involved in your rotator cuff. Each one has a slightly different functions, including:
Sit either in a cross-legged position or on a chair, with your band under your sitting bones. Lengthen your spine to neutral, draw in your navel, then grab the band with the same hand. Exhale, keep your elbow touching your side and move your hand inwards towards your body, so that your shoulder joint rotates. Inhale, slowly return.
Shoulder Adduction (‘Playing The Cello’)
Sit either in a cross-legged position or on a chair, with your band under your sitting bones. Lengthen your spine to neutral, draw in your navel, then grab the band with the same hand. Exhale, pull it across your body and inhale, slowly release it back. Keep your shoulder down throughout the exercise.
If you read last week’s post on the deltoid, you are already familiar with this exercise. It is an important component that not only strengthens the deltoid, but also your rotator cuff.
Sit either in a cross-legged position or on a chair, with your band under your sitting bones. Lengthen your spine to neutral, draw in your navel, then grab the band with the opposite hand. Pull it out to the side, imagining that you are nudging your neighbour with your elbow. Take care to keep your shoulder down throughout this exercise.
Have you ever had a problem with your rotator cuff? If so, what did your specialist recommend?
Other Articles You Might Enjoy
Neat Neck: Neck Exercises to Remove Stiffness
Applaudable Abdominals: How to Strengthen Your Core
As always, participation in these workouts is at your own risk. 花猫破解版 is not responsible for bodily injuries incurred. If in doubt, please speak to your healthcare provider and/ or contact an exercise professional before proceeding.
The FIRE movement can be summed up in one short sentence.
Save 50% or more of your income for 10-20 years, then you can retire and live off your investments.
Although this is much better than the traditional advice of ‘get a job and work until you are 65’, it still leaves you with at least a decade of full-time work. Is dealing with soul-crushing commutes, tyrannical bosses and awful coworkers for 10+ years the only way to gain your freedom?
The Up’s and Down’s Of A Job
The answer is always ‘no’. You shouldn’t be dealing with any of these. If your job is that bad and if you are suffering on a daily basis, it’s time to quit. Find a better situation ASAP.
However, if you are like the vast majority of people, your job is okay. ‘It’s not terrible, I can take it,’ you say to yourself. You might even enjoy parts of it.
In many ways, I belong to that group, too. My work is the ideal balance of physical work (teaching Pilates) and mental challenge (German tutoring). Every day, I get to interact with lovely clients from all walks of life, helping them to improve their health and language skills. It can be hard work, but it is also rewarding and fun. What’s not to like?
Even this seemingly ideal work situation has some big drawbacks. The biggest problem pre-pandemic were the 5+ hours I spent on the London Underground most days, commuting to and from various in-home sessions. This often meant getting up at 5am and returning home after 8pm. My work-life balance was off, but in an effort to achieve FI faster, I ignored this and pushed myself to do more and more work.
Spending hours a day on the London transport system.
Sporadically, I would ask myself: “Is this really the best way to get to FI? There must be an easier path.” But I was too busy and too tired to change tracks. Besides, that might mean a lower income for a while and I didn’t want to risk it.
Then, the pandemic struck and I had no choice but to alter the way I worked. For the past four months, I haven’t once set foot on an underground train or a bus. All my sessions have been exclusively online. Combined with a reduced client load, cutting out five hours of commuting meant that I could focus on other things. I started a blog and a Twitter account, which grew way beyond my expectations.
Finally, I have a voice, an ‘internet home’ that serves as a base to explore various online ventures from. I am still at the beginning of my online money-making journey, but today I want to share a few possibilities I have learned about in the past months.
Online Money Making Strategies: Are They Viable?
The possibilities for making money online are endless. Some require a small upfront investment, but in the vast majority of the cases, this is very minor. So far, I have experimented with four different strategies:
花猫破解版: A platform where you can perform menial jobs in exchange for a small amount of money. It is a great place to start, especially if you are in the USA or India. In those countries, you can get your earnings paid out in cash instead of vouchers. I would recommend this as a way to earn some money that you can then re-invest into higher-paying or more long-term online ventures.
Total Earnings So Far: Around £30 (in Amazon.com vouchers).
Read my Side Hustle Review of Mturk.
花猫破解版: This is a wonderful job for someone like me, who loves to read and edit. However, it is not easy to set up. You have to earn the trust of your followers and readers, so that they are eager to have their materials edited by you. My first client was a friend, and having a positive review from him helped me to get a second client very quickly.
Total Earnings: Around £350
Affiliating: This is a great way to get started because you don’t have to have your own product. Instead, you can sell someone else’s to your friends, followers and readers and earn a commission. I am affiliated to a blank notebook publishing course, Trading 212, Bluehost and Amazon, so every time one of these products or companies makes a sale through my affiliate link, I get a commission.
Total Earnings: Around £85
Blank Book Publishing: On Amazon, you can design and publish blank notebooks. This is an excellent long-term, passive income opportunity, as Amazon handles all of the printing and shipping. All you have to do is upload your books and they can potentially sell for years. I only started my KDP journey this month, but am already seeing the first sales. If I stick with it, I can build up a sizeable passive income this way. Some people report earnings of £1000+ per month.
Total Earnings: £2.58
So, is internet income a viable alternative to slaving away at a job for 10-20 years? For dedicated people happy to put in the work upfront, the answer seems to be yes. There are many 花猫画质助手8.1最新版下载-和平精英花猫画质助手8.1最新版 ...:2021-1-22 · 和平精英花猫画质助手8.1最新版是花猫团队全新升级版花猫画质助手8.1修改器辅助,更新最新120帧率画质,完美实现吃鸡画质、音质修改、全机型处理器伢化等功能,内置免root防闪退按钮。 making money online. What’s stopping members of the FIRE community doing the same? Why wait for decades before making the leap?
“Two out of every three people will experience a shoulder injury or problem at some point in their lives.” – MedicineNet
A shocking statistic? Maybe, but when I think about the number of clients with shoulder problems I have seen, it makes sense. Countless people seek out Pilates after pain, injury or an operation of their shoulder joint. Although the exercises can make a difference and help them to feel better again, a damaged shoulder is one of the hardest joints to take care of.
The deltoid is a triangular muscle that covers the top of your shoulder. If you put a hand on your shoulder, you are touching your deltoid muscle. It has many functions:
It is the main muscle that lifts your arm out to the side (abducts it).
The front part of the deltoid helps to lift your arm to the front.
The front part also rotates your arm inwards.
The back part of the deltoid helps to lift your arm to the back.
The back part also rotates your arm outwards.
The front, middle and back deltoid.
As you can tell, it is a vital muscle that affects many movements of your shoulders and arms. Here are some exercises to keep it strong and healthy.
Sit or stand in a neutral position with your arms out to the side. Make sure that your shoulders stay down and pull your navel to your spine to engage your transverse abs. Pump your arms up and down in the air, moving them about 30 cm (1 foot). Keep going for at least 30 seconds. You can use small weights (0.5-1 kg or 1-2 pounds) if you have very strong arms or want to make the exercise more challenging.
Shoulder Abduction (‘Nudging Your Neighbour’)
Sit either in a cross-legged position or on a chair, with your band under your sitting bones. Lengthen your spine to neutral, draw in your navel, then grab the band with the opposite hand. Pull it out to the side, imagining that you are nudging your neighbour with your elbow. Take care to keep your shoulder down throughout this exercise.
Have you ever had any trouble with your shoulders? What is your favourite exercise to strengthen them?
Most of the information in this post comes from my years as a Pilates instructor. However, if you’re interested in reading more, here are some great resources:
The Muscle Book. Paul Blakey, 1992.
Trail Guide to the Body A Hands-on Guide to Locating Muscles, Bones and More. Andrew Biel, Robin Dorn, 2014.
As always, participation in these workouts is at your own risk. A Chat with Kat is not responsible for bodily injuries incurred. If in doubt, please speak to your healthcare provider and/ or contact an exercise professional before proceeding.
Imagine yourself at age 35. You have a career, you have a family, and you have an active social life. It’s the age when many of your friends are starting to think about their retirement plans.
‘Maybe I should have a look at that,’ they mumble, scrunching up their noses. ‘But it’s just so tedious!’
Meanwhile, you stay silent and smile. Your retirement is sorted. All you have to do is coast along, working enough to support yourself and your family until official retirement age. In fact, you’re planning on going part-time next year. You worked hard to climb the career ladder; three days a week are more than enough to pay for your standard of living.
Barista FI: When you have an investment income that covers almost all of your expenses and a (part-time) job as a barista would be enough to supplement it. This is what my initial goal is: enough income that I only have to do one day’s work a week.
Regular FI: When your investments cover all of your expenses.
Fat FI: When your investments cover way more than all of your expenses. Often pursued for maximum peace of mind.
The topic is so personal that everyone can put their own spin on it and pursue a version of it that works best for them. I came across one interesting option last week: Coast FI. According to a recent episode by ChooseFI, this is when you’ve saved up enough that you will have plenty of income by the time you retire. Provided you don’t mind doing enough work to pay for your living costs, you never have to save another penny and will be able to retire at the official retirement age.
Could this be a lighter, more easily achievable variation of FIRE? Let’s have a look at the numbers.
How to Calculate Coast FI
It’s not as simple as calculating a regular FI number, as you have to factor in inflation. Let’s use an example:
Mary is 25 years old. She currently spends £20k per year and wants to retire at age 62. How much does she need to be considered CoastFI?
If Mary were to retire today, she’d need £500k (20 000 x 25). However, due to inflation, her annual spending will have more than doubled in 37 years’ time. It will be around £50 000, provided she spends at the same level. Therefore, she will need a portfolio of £1.25 million. How much does Mary need to have invested today to reach this number without ever contributing again?
The answer: £103 000 (1 250 000 / (1.07^37)). It may be a lot for a 25-year-old to save, but considering the fact that she’ll be a millionaire and the money will more than 12x without her doing anything else, this is not bad!
Regular FI feels far removed from many people’s realities, but Coast FI could be a more achievable goal: front-load all the hard work and remove a big hurdle early on. Not having to worry about how to support yourself in old age can be a huge relief and avoid a lot of stress later in life.
Let’s look at some other examples based on £20k annual spending and a retirement age of 62 (numbers are the closest approximation, or rounded up):
Current spending
Spending at age 62
Required portfolio value at age 62
Required current assets to be CoastFI
20 000
56 500
1 415 000
85 600
20 000
44 000
1 100 000
126 300
20 000
39 000
975 000
156 900
20 000
862 500
195 000
30 500
762 500
241 400
As you can see, compounding beats inflation and the younger you are, the easier it is to reach your CoastFI number. Another reason to start investing as early as possible!
Have you heard of CoastFI? Are you CoastFI already or working towards it? Let me know in the comments!
Want to learn more about FI and read about some people who are pursuing it? Check out my ‘Long Road to Financial Independence’ series:
Kat’s Journey: My own path to 20% FI
Linda’s Journey: Overcoming financial infidelity
花猫破解: Becoming a digital nomad at age 24
小花猫视频破解版下载_小花猫视频安卓最新版下载_飞飞手游:2021-2-15 · 小花猫视频破解版是一款宅男伞非常喜欢的社交软件,足不出户就能解决自己的社交问题。同时大家还能看见各种伢质精美的短视频,让你从更多的方面了解心伜的ta。用户也能够自己制作视频,添加各种趣事,添加特效,还有超多的背景音乐和海量剪辑工具供你选择呢。: Goal-setting and FI with kids
“I almost died,” my new client said. “I had a really awful accident two years ago. Now, I have all kinds of problems. My neck is so stiff, I can barely even park my car. The bones were fractured and there are metal parts in there now.” He paused, gesturing up at the back of his neck, then continued to speak about his other conditions.
Of course, a big component is time. As Joe gets used to life after his operation, he is becoming less cautious and scared to use his neck. In addition, the Pilates exercises have helped him to regain some of his previous range of motion, making day to day activities easier to achieve. Let’s explore our neck muscles and what we can do to keep them healthy.
New to The Body Project? Check out the other articles in this series.
The Neck Muscles
There are many muscles in the neck, some of which include:
The Three Scalenes: These are three little muscles that span from your vertebrae to your first and second ribs. They also side bend and rotate the neck.
The Longus Capitis and the Longus Colli: Both of these are small and deep muscles that flex, side bend and rotate your neck. They are also attached to your spine.
Your neck is one of the body parts that is most prone to tension. This can happen if you stay in the same position, such as sitting at a computer for a long time or sleeping in an awkward position, or if you overdo your exercise routine. Some people experience neck tension if they do abdominal curl-up’s. If this is the case, stretches may provide relief. Below are two of the most beneficial neck stretches and one strengthening exercise.
If you want to work the back of your neck and your shoulders, you can add 花猫破解 into this routine.
Neck Engagement
Sit in a neutral, comfortable position. Put your hands behind your head, elbows pointing outwards. Engage your neck muscles and press your head into your hands. The hands should stabilise against the pressure of the head. This movement is not visible, it is internal.
Side Neck Stretch
Sit in a neutral, comfortable position. Reach up and hold on to the side of your head, gently pulling it sideways. To intensify the stretch, reach out your opposite arm.
Have you ever suffered from neck tension? What did you do to relieve it?
Let me know in the comments – and don’t forget to subscribe for more fitness and finance-related articles!
Most of the information in this post comes from my years as a Pilates instructor. However, if you’re interested in reading more, here are some great resources:
The Muscle Book. Paul Blakey, 1992.
Trail Guide to the Body A Hands-on Guide to Locating Muscles, Bones and More. Andrew Biel, Robin Dorn, 2014.
As always, participation in these workouts is at your own risk. 花猫破解版 is not responsible for bodily injuries incurred. If in doubt, please speak to your healthcare provider and/ or contact an exercise professional before proceeding.
Congratulations! You’ve decided to give it a go. Your catchy blog name and beautiful logo are ready, you’ve decided on a great niche and you’ve crafted the best first post ever!
Not quite there yet? Check out Part 1 in this mini series!
Now what?
Like any technophobe, you sit in front of your computer, not sure what to do next. How does one even go about starting a blog?
Starting Your Bluehost Blog
Using Bluehost to set up your blog is actually very simple. Here’s a step by step guide to get you started.
Step 1: Go to the Bluehost website (aff. link). The price varies slightly, but should be somewhere between £2-4 per month ($3-4.50).
Step 2: Choose your plan. There’s Basic, Plus and Prime. If you are a beginner blogger, the basic plan should be sufficient, but you can double check the options to see which one is the best fit. You will also be able to choose the duration of your plan: the 12-month option is the most expensive, the 36-month one is the cheapest. I opted for a 2-year plan as it is affordable and by that time, I will know whether blogging is working for me or not.
花猫破解版 Choose your domain name. Under ‘New Domain’, you can enter your chosen name. If it’s available, you can claim it as your website!
Step 4: Log into your Bluehost account and choose ‘Wordpress’ as your website builder. Check all of your settings and then click ‘Install Now’. Once this is done, you will be able to set up and edit your blog directly in wordpress, without having to log into Bluehost every time.
Step 5: You can now log into your WordPress admin page without having to go through Bluehost. I usually log in directly from wordpress.com and have opted to ‘Stay Logged In’ on my main laptop.
Step 6: Choose a theme for your blog and start customising it. Some suggestions:
Add a clear, visible menu at the top of your page. That way, you can link to a few important pages, such as your ‘About’ page and maybe a ‘Work with Me’ or ‘Subscribe’ page.
Make your font easy to read: dark writing on a light background is usually best.
Add some widgets to make things easier for your readers. Mine are in the sidebar to the right. It’s useful to have a search bar, latest posts, categories, or anything you would like to promote.
Make your ‘Subscribe’ button really easy to find. Put it in your sidebar, at the top of your page, and you can even ask readers to subscribe at the end of each post.
If you have a Twitter account, you can embed this into your blog.
That’s it! Once you have completed these steps, your blog is ready to go and you can start posting.
Make sure to check out Part 1 if you haven’t yet, and 花猫破解 to my weekly Friday roundup, where I share relevant articles on finance, entrepreneurship and fitness.
My client jumped up and hobbled around the room, exclaiming. All over the studio, other teachers and clients looked around at the commotion.I shrank back, heart racing. What had I done? Had I hurt my client?
He made one loop around the studio, then returned and sat back down on the Pilates reformer.
“It’s all right,” he smiled. “Just a calf cramp. I get these a lot.”
I let my shoulders sink back down and exhaled. It wasn’t my fault, after all!
“That shouldn’t be happening so often,” I said. “Let’s work on stretching and strengthening your calf muscles so they don’t cramp up so much.”
New to The Body Project? Check out all the articles int his series.
The Calf Muscles
You have two main calf muscles: the gastrocnemius on top and the soleus underneath.
The gastrocnemius muscle, with the soleus directly beneath.
The gastrocnemius has two heads and forms the visible bulge of your calf, while the soleus is smaller and flattery, lying closer to your bone. Together, they work to plantar flex (point) your foot, but the gastrocnemius also helps to bend your knee. If weak or short, the calves can cause a number of problems, including:
Muscle strain
Let’s explore some strengthening exercises and some stretches you can do to keep your calves strong and long.
Heel Raises
Stand in your neutral spinal position with your feet together. Lift and lower the heels, keeping them squeezing together. You can do 15-20 repetitions. To make it more challenging, perform the exercise one leg at a time. Another variation is to rotate your toes outwards, then lift and lower. In this version, the heels will separate at the top, then come together again as you return to the starting position.
Heel Raises with Stretch
You can perform your heel raises while standing on a step or yoga block. That way, you get a big calf stretch every time you lower your heels.
Calf Stretch
Stand parallel, holding on to a wall or pole. Extend one leg behind you and bend the opposite knee. Make sure to keep your back heel down and your toes pointing forward. Hold for around 30 seconds, then switch. To target the soleus, you can bend your back knee as well.
Another great exercise to strengthen your calves is running. They have to work especially hard when you go uphill, so if your goal is strong calf muscles, make sure to include some elevation in your running routine.
Have you ever had trouble with your calves? What is your favourite exercise or stretch?
Most of the information in this post comes from my years as a Pilates instructor. However, if you’re interested in reading more, here are some great resources:
The Muscle Book. Paul Blakey, 1992.
Trail Guide to the Body A Hands-on Guide to Locating Muscles, Bones and More. Andrew Biel, Robin Dorn, 2014.
PhysioPedia. <http://www.physio-pedia.com/> Accessed 1.6.2025. 花猫加速器 V1.3.5破解版注册码_花猫加速器,花猫加速器下载 ...:2021-8-29 · 花猫加速器 V1.3.5破解版: 花猫加速器是一款体小积、界简面洁友好的智网能游加速器,使简用方单便,支游持多戏,在复环杂境下仍能稳使定用。本站提供花猫加速器免费下载。 花猫加器速是界小面巧的电网脑游加工速具,安使装用花猫网加游速器能让您在玩网页游戏、网络游戏、花猫加速器,花猫 ...花猫破解 is not responsible for bodily injuries incurred. If in doubt, please speak to your healthcare provider and/ or contact an exercise professional before proceeding.
花猫影视破解版APP下载-花猫影视无广告安卓版 - 口袋手机站 ...:2021-2-13 · 花猫影视安卓版是一款非常不错的手机影视在线免费观看的APP,海量的资源每天都能够给你最想看的内容保证能够让你每天都 ...Mr Money Mustache and listened to amazing podcasts like The Tim Ferriss Show, wishing I myself had a platform like that. But was I interesting enough? Experienced enough? Funny enough?
Welcome to my mini series on starting your own blog! In the next two weeks, we will explore why starting your own online platform is a recipe for success, no matter who you are, and the practical steps of how to start your own blog.
Yes, every blog starts at zero and it might take years to build up a dedicated following. But if you are consistent and stay in the game long enough, there’s no reason you couldn’t succeed in creating an asset that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
And if you fail? You’ll come away with valuable lessons about what to do better next time. Get up, dust yourself off and try again!
2. It will be too hard. I don’t have the skills to ‘make it’.
Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time to build up and there’s no guarantee that you will earn a huge income from it. However, if you never try, you won’t gain the skills needed to succeed. Setting yourself a challenge is the best way to grow and a blog can teach you countless things:
Aside from that, you will develop invaluable connections with others that are not only satisfying personally, but can supercharge your professional career.
3. It will be a huge ongoing commitment
I don’t like to be tied down. But to grow your audience, you must post regularly and spend time marketing your blog. This was off-putting to me at first. How many hours a week would I have to pour into this venture? I was worried that my blog was going to take up all of my free time.
But the whole point of having a blog is that it is your own personal corner of the internet. You can decide how much time you want to spend on it, whether that is one hour a week or twenty. For many bloggers, the sweet spot is two posts per week, but some only post once a week and others, such as Seth Godin, write an article every day. It’s very much up to you how time consuming your site is.
The Reasons to Start Now
In summary, there are four main reasons to start a blog. It allows you to:
Express your opinion and share your knowledge about topics you care about.
Create your personal space on the web, where you can direct people if they ask you about your views or work.
Build up a positive reputation as a knowledgeable, well-spoken individual in your communities and niches. Among other things, this can have a positive impact on your professional career and job prospects.
Interact with like-minded people all over the world and exchange ideas.
Even if you are happy with your current job and situation, there is no guarantee that it will stay this way. Setting up an online platform for yourself now can act like an insurance policy: a resource you can tap into if you ever need help, contacts or another income. By providing value to people now, you are building up a network you can rely on for the rest of your life.
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Main niche: What do you want to blog about? This is likely something that you are passionate about. It could be related to your job, a hobby, or a concept you believe in.
Logo or photo: Decide what type of logo or banner you want to use for your blog, then create it. I used Canva, which is a great free design tool. You should also decide whether you want to post your own photo to your blog or remain anonymous.
Slogan: Does your blog need a slogan? This can be very useful for new readers, as they can see the main gist of your blog in one sentence.
Step 2: Self Hosted or Not?
Many bloggers start out their journey on wordpress.com or blogger.com. This means that their blog is free, but they won’t own the domain name. For example, if your blog is titled Fantastic FIRE Blog, your domain will be:
This can be a great starting point, but if you are looking to monetise the blog, are hoping for a large amount of traffic or if it is linked to your business, you are better off self hosting. That way, your blog domain name can be:
A Chat with Kat is hosted through Bluehost, which is a low-cost, user friendly, automatically backed up service that is easily integrated in WordPress. You can sign up for less than £3, or $4, per month (aff. link):
Stay tuned for a more detailed description of Bluehost and how to use it next week.
Step 3: Write Your Introduction and Your ‘About’ Page
The About page is what new readers are most likely to click on to find out more about you. Give some detail about your journey so far and what you hope to achieve through blogging. This page can be creative and include pictures and links to your social media accounts.
Your first post serves as the blog’s introduction. It should state who you are, what topics you are going to post about, who your ideal reader is and how frequently readers can expect posts. I like 花猫视频app下载 - 花猫视频app破解版 - 爱编家下载:2021-1-14 · 花猫视频app是一款视频直播在线播放软件,花猫视频软件每天分享超多的精品搞笑娱乐视频,随时都有主播开播带来精彩刺激的表演秀,然你看到爽。 花猫视频app下载 - 花猫视频app破解版 - 爱编 ….
Here is Your First Chat with Kat, my own first post, and here’s another example by Mr Money Mustache.
Once you have these three steps in place, you are ready to create your blog and start posting. Stay tuned for next week’s post exploring the steps you need to take to secure your domain name and get started on Bluehost. Don’t forget to subscribe!
Do you have any questions about blogging? Any advice for new bloggers? Let me know in the comments!
I’m Kat, 26, living in London and working as a self-employed Pilates and German instructor. I love to learn about a diverse range of topics, such as health and finance, and look forward to sharing the journey with you. Find out more and introduce yourself on my 花猫破解版 page.
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